Reviews and Recommendations
"Enhancers help you reach your goals"
- Karen Abbott-Trimuel (Check Your Assets & Know Your Value)
Stage Plays &
Book Reviews
Check Your Assets & Know Your Value
Attention all women! Read this book!
Whether you're 25 or 65 years old, Karen offers all the guidance and advice you'll need to live a full, happy and authentic life. Though the book itself is short, the benefits you'll derive from reading it will be long. I urge you to listen to what she has to say. I placed sticky notes (I come from a generation of educators who taught that marking up a book is taboo!) on all the pages that contain my favorite passages - there are many - but my greatest takeaways lie within pages 62 - 66 and page 70. I wish this book was available to me years ago. Hey, Karen - with regard to a potential future endeavor and to use your favorite word: NEXT?
E. Martin
Ladies Night Unmasked
Absolutely loved this book! A fun journey with five ladies with very different personalities. A much needed entertaining distraction! Gertrude made me laugh; Claudia made me mad; Miranda made me cry; Shauna made me sad; and Lola made me mad (then impressed). A range of emotions while reading the book. Looking forward to the next book!
M. Boenzi
Ladies Night Unmasked
Stage Play
On October 7th, my husband and I attended the 6:30 pm play for "Ladies Night Unmasked". The play was awesome! All the cast members did a great job in bringing forth an astonishing message. If you were not in attendance, you missed out on a performance better than "Hollywood". The play was full drama, power, suspense, suddenness, climax, exhilaration, abruptness, majesty, and grandeur. There were times, I wanted to jump up out my seat and give the actors a hugs and other times, when I wanted to join in on the party. Did I mention, I was able to get my praise on as well. With that said, I was a little hesitant to bring my husband along, thinking it was for ladies only. However, I think he enjoyed it just as much as I did, maybe more! Cheers to all the cast members, playwriter, and behind the scene personnel. Keep up the great work!
Zabrina M.
Recession Proof
Stage Play
"Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that impact lasts in your absence." - Sheryl Sandberg
"She leads and model the way"
Karen is an outstanding professional who has the gift of lifting the talents of all those around her. She leads and models the way in a manner that inspires and motivates others to perform at the highest levels. She herself gets the job done expertly and quickly every time and she will help you to envision and produce an even better result than what you initially projected. If you bring Karen in to lead, speak, create, or consult, you and your company/team/initiative will undoubtedly be better for it.
J. Maravich
President & CEO